Building the Pacific Great Eastern Railway: An anniversary celebration with Quesnel Museum
- Author
- Gallant, Anne
- Date
- September 2012
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia
- British Columbia - Quesnel
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Abstract
- "The Quesnel and District Museum and Archives celebrated the 100th annivesary of the construction of the PGE and the 60th anniversary of its completion to Prince George."
- Author
- Gallant, Anne
- Role
- Author
- Date
- September 2012
- Corporation
- Pacific Great Eastern Railway
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia
- British Columbia - Quesnel
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Physical Description
- photographs
- Source Title
- British Columbia Historical Federation Newsletter
- Volume
- 39
- Pages
- 3
- Abstract
- "The Quesnel and District Museum and Archives celebrated the 100th annivesary of the construction of the PGE and the 60th anniversary of its completion to Prince George."