Victoria's curio dealers
- Author
- Tobe, Sarah H.
- Date
- 1999
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Victoria
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Abstract
- Victoria was a hub in the 19th century for the trade of First Nations artifacts. Jewish merchants played a key role in facilitating this trade, often acting as a contact between First Nations groups and their prospective Western markets.
- Author
- Tobe, Sarah H.
- Role
- Author
- Date
- 1999
- Person
- Landsberg, Fredrick, d. 1935
- Hart, John Jacob, 1833-1900
- Aaronson, Andrew Alfred, 1856-1912
- Isaacs, Jacob
- Kirschberg, Samuel
- Topic
- Indigenous traders
- Stores, Retail
- Jewish Canadians
- Indigenous art - Northwest Coast of North America
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Victoria
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Physical Description
- illustrations
- portraits
- Source Title
- Scribe
- Volume
- 19
- Issue
- 1
- Pages
- 9-18
- Abstract
- Victoria was a hub in the 19th century for the trade of First Nations artifacts. Jewish merchants played a key role in facilitating this trade, often acting as a contact between First Nations groups and their prospective Western markets.