Serving the Great Depression
- Author
- Sprinkling, N. H.
- Date
- Fall 1998.
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Victoria
- British Columbia - Victoria Metropolitan Area - Ogden Point
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Abstract
- "We lived a block from the ocean and a few more blocks from the Ogden Point docks. Both the beach and the docks helped us get through the depression."
- Author
- Sprinkling, N. H.
- Role
- Author
- Date
- Fall 1998.
- Topic
- Depressions - 1929
- History
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Victoria
- British Columbia - Victoria Metropolitan Area - Ogden Point
- Material Type
- magazine article
- Source Title
- B.C. Historical News
- Volume
- 31
- Issue
- 4
- Pages
- 2-3.
- Abstract
- "We lived a block from the ocean and a few more blocks from the Ogden Point docks. Both the beach and the docks helped us get through the depression."