Betting the farm : Cutbacks have led to a collapse in enforcement of antipollution laws in the Fraser Valley, with serious consequences
- Author
- Parfitt, Ben
- Date
- December 9-16, 2004
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Fraser Valley
- Material Type
- newspaper article
- Author
- Parfitt, Ben
- Role
- Author
- Date
- December 9-16, 2004
- Corporation
- British Columbia. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
- British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
- Richmond Bio Conversion Inc.
- Geographic Location
- British Columbia - Fraser Valley
- Material Type
- newspaper article
- Physical Description
- portraits
- Source Title
- Georgia Straight
- Volume
- 38
- Issue
- 1929
- Pages
- 57-58, 60