Stink Mitt is still selling sex
- Author
- Henley, Tara
- Woo, Andrea
- Lucas, John
- Conner, Shawn
- Montague, Tony
- Date
- March 11-18, 2004
- Material Type
- newspaper article
- Role
- Author
- Date
- March 11-18, 2004
- Corporation
- Stinkmitt (Musical group)
- A Spectre is Haunting Europe (Musical group)
- The Approach (Musical group)
- Topic
- Scratch 'n' Sniff (Sound recording)
- Ephin (Sound recording)
- Astonishing Tales of the Sea (Sound recording)
- Wings of Monarchs (Sound recording)
- Save Your Self (Sound recording)
- Fresh Horses (Sound recording)
- Music review
- Material Type
- newspaper article
- Source Title
- Georgia Straight
- Volume
- 38
- Issue
- 1880
- Pages
- 85